Sunday, September 11, 2011

ARC Review: Tris and Izzie by Mette Ivie Harrison

I just wanted to say Thank You NetGalley for letting me review this book.

Tris and Izzie
Author: Mette Ivie Harrison
Page Count: 272

Book description from Goodreads

A modern retelling of the German fairytale "Tristan and Isolde", Tris and Izzie is about a young witch named Izzie who is dating Mark King, the captain of the basketball team and thinks her life is going swimmingly well. Until -- she makes a love potion for her best friend Brangane and then ends up taking it herself accidentally, and falling in love with Tristan, the new guy at school
My Review

Izzie has been noticing her best friend, Branna, has been kind of off lately she thinks that she can make her happy by using some magic, but instead of helping her friend she accidentally ends up taking it herself.
Mark is Izzie's boyfriend he is just perfect in her eyes and she doesn't want to give him up at all but, she can't stand him anymore either.
Tristan just waltz's into Izzie's life and she couldn't hate him more for her loving him.
Izzie finds out the true reason why Tristan came into her life shortly after the potion incident, and realizes she has a quest before her that even her father couldn't finish.

This was my first ARC and I requested it on NetGalley, I was afraid I wouldn't like it at all, the description was ok, but it had horrible rating.... I downloaded it yesterday into the kindle and could not understand why no one has enjoyed it enough for it to only reach 2 stars.
I, for one, loved this book. It was by far one of the best ones I've read this year. There was somethings that was off like, Izzies mom asked Tristan where he was staying, which was on the streets! And she did nothing for him to stay there she just let her daughter boss her.

Izzie now, can seem rude but really you just took a love potion accidentally and find out your going to love this one person forever? Wouldn't you be a little bit irritable too?

Brenna, she annoyed me. end of story.

I savored every single page, it kept you surprised and wanting more.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Sexual Content: Minor, just kissing not very detailed.
Language: None!
Violence: Mild, but kinda gives bloody details.
This book is due out October 11th.